Every professional tenancy cleaning contractor can recite the obligatory steps of a successful service by heart – find out as much as possible about the residence, get in touch with the property owners, and schedule the appointment for the most suitable date for all parties concerned. And while we feverishly right down the number of rooms, the floor covering type, and the square footage, we forget a significant factor that might influence the outcome of your efforts.
Full disclosure – I used to make the same mistake as well. I concentrated entirely on what the flat or house was like and totally forgot about asking who used to live there. And in particular – was there a pet in the picture? Because a big dog should change your cleaning approach entirely, you should also pay attention to smaller dogs, cats, rabbits, or hamsters.

Consider this – one or more of these fluffy rascals would mean a lot of hair all over the place. It means extra attention in vacuum cleaning, especially for upholstered furniture. If your customer books carpet cleaning in the package, you must consider dealing with the almost inevitable pet stains and odour removal.
Don’t get me wrong – none of these issues is critical or particularly time-consuming. But if you come to the property unprepared for them because you haven’t asked, they might be an irritating nuisance you could have avoided.